My Natural Hair

I started my transition in November 2011.  I say transition because although I have rarely ever used chemicals (well, not since my Jheri Curl in middle school) I used a lot of heat to straighten my hair.  Eventually my natural curl pattern was changed to straight in spots and stringy curls. I have tried many different products and I find that I always go back to Miss Jessie's.  I use Curls sulfate-free shampoo and Coconut Sublime conditioner when I wash my hair once a week. I co-wash on day 4 with either Pantene for women of color or Herbal Essences because it's not quite as expensive and smells really nice.

Keeping your hair moisturized is vital to growth and maintenance.  I use a combination of olive, grapeseed and tea tree oils mixed with a small amount of my favorite conditioner and a little water to moisturize before I twist or braid my hair.  I use coconut oil to seal.  A little goes a long way so if you invest $5 - $10 in each of these oils or other oils of your preference, it will last a very long time. A whole lot longer than that perm you might have put on your hair.

Aloe vera gel is also very moisturizing. I use it to smooth out my twist-outs that I've worn for a couple days. It has great benefits for the scald as well preventing and helping manage dandruff and seborrhic dermatitis and even HAIR LOSS. I also use Eco-Styler gel.  It's alcohol free and gives just enough hold to lay down those edges (and ya'll know about those edges).

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